July 20, 2013

Jack Davies - former British soldier

Former British Guardsman Jack Davies, age 23, died on July 14, 2013, in England.

The cause of his death has not been released as of this posting.

Jack from was from Loughborough. He had been a member of the 1st Battalion, Coldstream Guards.

In 2009, when he was 19, he had lost a leg and suffered spinal injuries when a bomb detonated on a training range at Camp Bastion in Helmand, Afghanistan.

One of his comrades was killed during this explosion and another was left with serious head injuries.

He spent five months recovering from his leg amputation and other injuries in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham.

Military officials describe Jack as a fine soldier and a fine young man, who displayed enormous courage and tenacity to overcome his injuries and to restart his life.

He is also described as a cheerful, enthusiastic and positive young man, always smiling and cracking a joke.

Friends describe him as uptempo, smiling and helpful to others.

His comrades are greatly grieving his loss. He will never be forgotten.

Jack is survived by many loving friends and relatives including his parents, Paul and
Emil Kapaun, on your way
to Sainthood, pray for Jack
Anne; his sisters, Jenna, Kerry and Elaine; and his fiancee, Louise.

Pray for all who suffer and die at a young age. They barely had a chance to live. Amen. 

Jack did not die in combat but he was a victim of war. 

Pray without ceasing unto God for an end to this war in Afghanistan.  It is enough.  We are sick with grief over the deaths of men like Jack. Amen. 

Pray that Jack is in heaven. Pray that he is at peace and is with God. Amen.

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